Tired of chasing persistently late invoice payers? Have invoices which were paid later than your agreed initial terms?
We help businesses recover B2B commercial debts from late or unpaid invoices and implement effective credit control measures to future proof your business from cash flow disruption.
Simply create a free account and begin uploading any current or historic non-paid or late paid business invoices. Our system will automatically calculate statutory late fees which you can opt to add to the overdue balance. Our fees are usually covered by these fees so you keep 100% of your original debt when we recover it.

Integrated with

UK Late Invoice payments Statistics
Lost in the the UK annually
of all invoices paid to small businesses are late.
Average value of a late invoice.
A third of all invoices issued by small businesses in the private sector are paid late resulting in serious cash flow issues, financial constraints or liquidation.
The UK Government introduced stringent Legislation under the Late Payments Act 1998 (later changing to The Commercial Debt Regulations Act 2013) to tackle the issue of public and private sector organisations persistently paying invoices late or undertaking unfavourable payment practices to the detriment of SME's financial performance.
We at Invoice Legal have built a fully bespoke invoice debt recovery platform which enables any business to freely chase any legitimate domestic or international overdue invoice dating back up to 6 years.

User Friendly Live Interactive Dashboard Invoice tracker.
Simply create a new account in seconds and begin uploading multiple paid invoices and current over due invoices onto our user-friendly tracking platform.
Manage your entire sales invoices with clarity and take control of your invoicing and billing to get paid quicker.

How Invoice Legal Ledger works.
Create a free account and upload any late paid or overdue invoice and select which methods of communication you wish
Our platform automatically calculates statutory late fees you can add to each individual invoice and assigns you a dedicate Account Manager.
We get to work on your behalf making contact with your client(s) and resolving your invoice matters updating you of our progress along the way.
No upfront costs, contracts or subscriptions so we only get paid when you get paid.
You keep 100% of your original invoice amount when statutory late fees are applied.
Were able to chase any invoice value amount.
Dedicated Account Manager
We get results with 8/10 Invoices recovered in Full.

How we help you.
We have various tools in our armoury to help recover debts. You can select any method of communication via your online portal depending on "hands-on" you want us to be.
Pre-Litigation Letter

Email Escalation

Telephone Mediation

Whatsapp Messaging

Alphanumeric SMS Sending

Letter Before Action


Can I submit archived invoices which have been paid but were paid late?Yes! In fact you can you submit an unlimited amount of paid invoices dating back 6 years. Be sure to also upload supporting documentation such as a Remittance slip or bank statement to provide proof of when the invoice(s) was paid. We will also need evidence of initial payment terms agreed i.e. if your invoices stated strict "30 day payment terms" on the original invoice this will suffice, if it does not and you agreed alternative payment terms then we may need a copy of your original agreed terms.
Can I submit current invoices past due?Yes but do bear in mind that you can also submit previously paid invoices dating back up to 6 years. Simply upload all currently overdue invoices to your dashboard and our system will automatically calculate days beyond terms and statutory late fees you are eligible to charge as per the Commercial Debt Regulations 2013. We can then begin chasing the Debt on your behalf via email, telephone, SMS and letter depending on your preferred method of communication.
Will it cost me anything to submit my invoices?Nothing whatsoever. You pay nothing upfront and if we are not successful in recuperating t monies or there is not sufficient documentation then there is nothing to pay either. We only get paid when you get paid - simple 🙂 Upon any successful claim we will simply take a commission from the overall compensation amount, only when payment has been settled by your customer. You also keep 100% of your initial invoice amount for invoices paid which were overdue.
What happens if my initial customer refuses to pay?If there is genuine doubt about whether an original invoice is for the correct amount or there is a real dispute as to whether the money is actually due, you will not be entitled to late payment interest, compensation and other admin costs until the position has been clarified. However if the business customer admits that a certain amount is payable and has the means to be able to work out what they believe to be the correct amount then they are expected to pay accordingly and not wait until all the issues have been dealt with You are entitled to late payment interest, compensation and costs on amounts the customer admitted were due but just didn’t pay until all queries were resolved. Business customers cannot refuse to pay Late Payment Invoices where it is clear and obvious that they have paid late and there were no contractual arrangements in place. Even if there is a predetermined contract in place, it has to be deemed fair and proper for it to be legally upheld. You do not have an obligation either to inform your customer that you either intend to charge late invoice fees pre-emptively or retrospectively although it is always advised to provide prior notice if it is your intention to invoice for overdue payment(s).
How long does the process take and when will receive funds?Whilst there is a general rule that businesses (especially those registered under the Prompt Payment Code) by suppliers within 30 days, there is no set rule regarding subsequent late payment invoices issued once the original outstanding invoice has been paid. We are always aim to be in constant dialogue with your business customers so they are aware we are chasing each individual invoice on your behalf, with most invoices usually taking between 30-60 days to pay. However, in the event of a business customer refusing to pay subsequent late payment invoice(s) we would then request you escalate the matter to County Courts to file a claim against the offending company which could result in a CCJ being registered against the company if they fail to take action.
Can I charge for reasonable costs for recuperating my original invoice?You can claim compensation whatever your collection costs are even if your costs are above your original Invoice amount. In our case, we will pursue your claim(s) on your behalf and therefore our costs will be included in this which the business customer will have to pay and not you. This will vary depending on the original Invoice amount, time it takes to receive outstanding monies and the level of service you opt for.
What are my chances of recovery? And What happens if they don't pay?We get 8/10 invoices on average recovered in full so the chances are pretty high. We do all we legally can to recover your overdue balance but if we cannot recover your balance then there is nothing for you to pay. In other words, we work on a no-win-no-fee basis which gives us that added motivation to recover your funds so that we get paid!
What are your fees? And what happens if they do not pay the Statutory late fees?Our basic admin charges start from as little as £40 and rise up to around £120 on invoices up to £9,999.99, however in most cases are fees are covered by Statutory late fees you can charge in addition to your original overdue balance. We then take half of any Interest amount we recover too. If the Debtor fails to pay the Statutory late fees but pays the original overdue balance and you decide to then Waiver the late fees then we will simply invoice you for our admin charge depending on where we were in the chain of events. We can charge a flat 5% on Invoices above £10,000 however this depends on the amount of work required in order to pursue the debt - therefore if all prep work has been done initially we will revert back to our original fees. For more information regarding fees please call us to discuss.
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